Friday, March 6, 2015

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.... (STB#8)

Some might disagree that it is the most wonderful time of the year with 11 inches snow that is sitting at my front door right now; however, I have found that if we choose to dwell on the negatives then it will blind us to all the positive things around us. Sweeping snow off cars, shoveling driveways, frozen cars are just a few of the struggles this time of year, but these snowed in days also give us the opportunity to relax, bond with our families and most importantly get caught up on lesson planning!

I had one full day in school this week. The rest were snow days and 2 hour delays. Yes, I would have loved to have been at school carrying out lessons this week, and as a matter of fact I got anxious not being able to be at school, but I learned to relax a bit, refresh for next week, and use my time wisely by getting assignments done. Although I was not at school, I spent that last two days getting moodle modules done and writing lesson plans. These seemed like a lot of work but I feel much better now to have gotten work done. It makes me feel confident in facing another week. But if I had sat at my desk and wrote papers and lessons all day I think I would be crazy by now, so I don't want to give the impression that this is all I did! Rather my days off were mixed with both lesson planning and snow playing! I often took breaks and rewarded myself by taking a walk in the neighborhood and talking to my neighbors. In fact I met new people that I never met before and helped others get out of their driveways. These past two days have been a huge help in allowing me to take a bit of pressure off of myself as well as getting ahead in my work. 

Enjoy the beauty of your surroundings. I have always been encouraged to see the good in people and things. This time off of school has not only allowed me to see the beauty of my snowy environment at home but I have also had the time to reflect on my classroom and students at school. In reflecting I have thought about my students and how I might be able to raise the bar a little higher in my classroom with the rest of my time of Octorara. A few days last week were difficult with some behavioral issues and they make you wonder why as a teacher you try so hard. When you begin thinking about the positive difference you can make in their lives it reminds you why you started this journey as an educator. Often times I need to remind myself to just enjoy your situation rather then get worked up about the little things. The classroom is a beautiful place to be, so enjoy the journey one step at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Jazzy, great blog. Sorry I did not read it earlier. If you read my facebook posts from before the snows, you would see we were sharing similar advice. Accentuate the positive. There is beauty in a snow storm that can help us recharge if we just allow it to do so!

    As for difficult days with students. These days will occur occasionally, So reflect on the positive glimmers you see from these students. Dwell on the positive!
