Saturday, October 18, 2014

WARNING: This may be too "cool" for you!

If you were to watch my video on my teaching for our Problem Solving Approach Lab you might find me saying "cool" far too many times! I enjoyed this lab and feel much more confident about implementing this strategy into my lessons; however, this lesson brought forth some annoying habits that I personally deal with as a teacher. One of them is saying "cool." From my previous labs I noticed that I used filler words such as "um" and "like." For some reason this week the word was "cool" (I don't think this is technically considered a filler word but I take pride in making it one).

I very much dislike watching and hearing myself speak. It's like a weird deja vou moment when watching our videos and it's the realization that all this time you sound nothing like you thought you did in real life. It's kind of a disappointment. Despite the creepy feeling when watching my video, these videos have been extremely helpful in allowing me to see my strengths and my weaknesses. We have been videoed for about four weeks now and it has been super awesome being able to watch my personal improvements since week one. Although we have gained many skills these past four weeks, I am still by no means a professional. From my video I realized that I am starting to use other filler words like "cool" and that I still am talking really fast. As I gather these observations I try to improve them for my next lab.

One aspect of my teaching that I don't believe has improved much (but I am trying!) is talking to fast. For those of you who don't know me I love to talk and I can sometimes be eccentric. Most of the time this isn't a problem; however, I notice that I sometimes fly through an important part of my lesson without checking for understanding. My reviews often say "you are very motivating and engaging but slow down a bit." The "a bit" part I think is just added to the end to make the feedback not sound so harsh or to make me feel better about myself, when in reality I should be slowing down "a lot." This may sound cheesy but sometimes I get really excitement about my content or lesson and I am ready to just dive into the material that I don't even realize how fast I am talking or explaining something. Talking fast is one thing I realize still needs improvement.

On the flip side there many positive aspects that I think I have been improving on. One skill that would be hard to develop without designing a lesson plan and teaching it in front of a class is pacing. This is one skill that was hard to even understand at first; however, now putting it into practice I have been able to pay close attention to how I utilize pacing. I think it's important that we realize both the improvements and the needs improvement aspects of our labs. Both focuses help to improve our teacher effectiveness.

Overall, this lab was based on the problem solving approach and I feel much more confident about utilizing this technique in the classroom. It provided some great insight to how students develop a higher order of thinking. Often times after a lesson I worry that my students gained information but didn't see the skills they were to be gaining. This strategy allows you to directly see a skill that is being developed in students. I get really excited when I see this outcome. After watching my other peers in my class present I realized how engaging and thought provoking this strategy can be.   I can't wait to test it out and use this teaching technique during my student teaching experience in the spring.          


  1. Hey Jaz! Sounds like you have a really great lesson going worked out. I think if the biggest thing you are worrying about is fast talking filler words, then your having a pretty good day. Do you have a final count on "cool?" Maybe you could go from lab to lab and keep counting your filler words, it might help you monitor if you are getting better!

  2. Great reflection Jaz! I can tell that you are putting time and effort into your labs as well as reflections. It is easy to see that you are well on your way to becoming a great pre-service teacher! I have the nervous habit of saying "um" too much during my labs and when I watch my videos, it takes away from it as well. You aren't alone!

  3. Jaz,

    Awesome reflection. You do talk fast and I know I do too! One way I have always thought of it is if you think your talking slow your talking normal, if you think your talking normal your talking way to fast. I like how you posted all of your ideas up on the wall.

    Overall great reflection and good job in lab.

  4. Hola! So I think your self analysis is very beneficial In your reflection you are a realist and want to do your best to fix whatever problem their might be. It is good that you are catching your simple quirks that are sometimes just too "cool." I am glad that you were able to learn and develop and you are ready to try it out again only with real students!

  5. Jaz, Jazzy, Jasmine, awesome reflection, it sounds like you are really honing in on the habits that you are determined to break.I can relate with not enjoying watching myself on camera, the way I think I sound it nothing like what I actually sound like. As for the filler words I think that with time, practice, and a greater knowledge base these fill words will dissipate. Keep up the awesome reflections!

  6. Jaz. You have a really great personality first off. It shines in your reflection. I can see that you are bound and determined to improve on the areas that you struggle with in your teaching methods. It's good to see. What you mentioned about not looking like you though you did in the video, I can definitely relate. Things that I think are really obvious (my nervousness) sometimes don't show as much. Whereas other things do that I don't even realize. I also agree with what Deanna said about the filler words improving the more comfortable you are with the material. On the other hand, when you think you are going to say a filler word like "um", stop, take a breath, recollect yourself, and continue. It's ok to do that. And actually much better. I enjoy working with you so I am confident in saying that I'm sure your students will too.

  7. Jazz!! I always love your reflections! I agree that watching yourself on video is strange but really beneficial. The videos have helped me out a lot too! When it comes to filler words I have found that its helpful to write out exactly what I want to say and it seems to help me out instead of trying to think what to say on the spot. Keep up the good work lady!
